Marfèl Clothing was given birth in the minds of two individuals, Maria and Felipe, in a living room on a random winter night. With a combined experience of 25 plus years in retail, the two founders knew they had to come together to brainstorm and execute what would eventually come to be a household brand; specifically for those who know about fashion, glam, trends and music.

Being that Felipe has a background on computer science, 20 years of sales, inside and outside, and is also a natural born entrepreneur, the decision was seamless. Grecia completes the other half of this brand by bringing in, organizational skills, common sense, the sixth sense of fashion, what is and what is not hot.

The brand has evolved throughout these last three years to become a staple in the industry. From edgy, almost too risky, to cute, almost too corny, Marfèl Clothing has managed to please a wide array of tastes. Do not take our word for it, simply browse through our look books and catalogs and be the judge of it.